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2020 NOTE Times are hard. I feel strongly that this book can help many find the peace and power we all need. Enchanted is in many libraries. Please request it if you like, and refer them to my website if they don’t have it. If you have a special need for it and can’t afford it, please email me.
Want to know a little more before you buy?
Holly Jorgensen lives simply and close to the earth, with passion, serenity, and mindfulness. In Enchanted, she shares her secrets—antidotes to that pressure to buy, buy, buy. Whether rescuing junk or discovering life lessons from a half-wild mustang, a totem pole, or legendary musicians, Holly pursues true value—grace and grit rather than status and glitz. Her stories speak of the circle of life, from using discarded objects to transform a neglected property into a beloved homestead to her friendships with wild critters—even fish! Holly’s intimate nature photography and pictures of upcycled projects reveal how embracing imperfection can free us to live a joyfully green and frugally rich life.
Advanced praise for Enchanted
“Holly Jorgensen’s Enchanted made
me wonder if the little lake outside her door is Walden Pond.
If Thoreau were with us today, he would live, love, and laugh like Holly.
This is an important personal reflection on one person’s quest to live in
harmony with earth, and loving every minute of it.”– Don Shelby, Peabody and Emmy award-winning journalist and environmentalist
“Holly has a remarkably graceful way of moving from straightforward description of her unique life into thoughtful reflections on society, spirituality, the environment, and the profound blessings of living in and with nature. If this treasure of a book inspires you to make just one small change in your life, hurray for you and hurray for the planet!”– Marti Erickson, Ph.D., developmental psychologist, international speaker and owner/host of Mom Enough® website and podcast (
“Enchanted brings alive the rewards of frugality. The frugal life
is anything but stingy. The frugal strive to marry their values with finances,
and live a more environmentally conscious lifestyle. They know that greater
freedom of choice comes with a low overhead. By describing her journey into
sustainability, Holly Jorgensen is an encouraging guide to devise your own path
into frugality.”– Chris Farrell, senior economics contributor at
Marketplace, journalist, and author of Unretirement: How Baby
Boomers are Changing the Way We Think About Work, Community, and the Good Life.
“I loved reading Enchanted. Holly writes about vital matters with passion, extraordinary grace, and a clear, individual voice. This is a real contribution to community and consciousness.”– Gary Gilson, Emmy award-winning television journalist
“Enchanted is wonderful storytelling and compelling. It leaves me in laughter and tears. Holly has an affinity for communicating with living things that most of us don’t possess, and her accounts are endearing and tender.”– Doug Wallace, Ph.D., former director of Center for Ethics, Responsibilities, and Values at College of St. Catherine, former director and forever supporter and mentor at U of MN YMCA.