I’ve been so busy creating, communing, and celebrating that I didn’t even think of that other c word, cancer, or notice the first anniversary of my lumpectomy slipping by on April 8th. But I must share with you that my annual mammogram showed no sign of it – Hallelujah! The tiny bit of cancer remains gone, but not what it awakened. As with most dark clouds, there was a silver lining. I’ve always believed I’d live a long life, and I still do. But I’m now more committed than ever not to waste the most precious of gifts – time. I’m more passionate about sharing what gifts I have with the world. But I also feel the glory in embracing the joys of life, whether a quiet moment of awe or the laughter of friends. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my many blessings, especially good friends, good docs, and good health.
As you may know, 2023 started out gifting me with two great opportunities to share my art and thoughts, thanks to the MN Izaak Walton League and Rosemount Steeple Center. I’m so happy to know that my pictures will be scattered to many through my cards and that some of my larger framed photos will be gracing the walls of old and new friends. I was nervous about using all used frames, but delighted to find that people loved their variety and personalities. The first piece I sold was to an expert in art. I can’t tell you how much that boosted my confidence. The second I sold was to an expert in conservation, who plans to hang it in her workplace to inspire others to consider the land, air, water, and wildlife in every business decision they make. I can’t tell you how gratifying that is. What more meaningful role could my art and words have? To see and read “Ashes” and “The Sunrise of Compassion” scroll back to my post of April 7, 2021. These exhibits have also brought attention to my book, Enchanted, which illuminates many of the stories told by my photos, and encouraged me to turn my photos and poems into a book. But that will have to come after Greenie’s book!
My exhibit will be at the Steeple Center this week and next. You are welcome to visit there Monday through Thursday 8 to 3:30 and Friday until noon. Please contact me if you’d like me to meet you there for a walk-through or to buy art, books, or cards. The center will also be open the afternoon and evening of Saturday, April 29th for two performances of “Shenanigans at the Blue Pelican Inn” performed by the Second Act Players. I will be there to take my exhibit down that evening. 14375 Robert Trail (CR 3) Rosemount. Parking in front and back.
I will also be at Lakeville’s Earth Day Celebration on Saturday, April 22nd with my books, cards, and calendars. Click here for the fun details. https://www.lakevillemn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/10679/Earth-Day-Celebration-Invite?bidId= Central Maintenance Facility (7570 179th Street West) from 11 a.m. to 1. From there I’ll be back at the Izaak Walton House to help plant new disease-resistant elm trees!
On the home front, the ice just went out on the lake, so I’ll be watching for Greenie & Slim as soon as the water warms up. (True, I was in it the day after ice-out, but not for long!) Hearing the happy songs of birds and frogs delights me! Red is now sleeping outside my window only on very cold nights – he and Pinkalicious are nesting somewhere again! I saw him feeding her yesterday, preparing for babies. Poopsie is back from the south and sleeping on the vine over my treehouse deck. The crocuses are blooming, lilacs are budding, and daylilies are bursting through the matted leaves. Life was there under the snow all the while.